A to Z Challenge: L is for… LinkedIn

The Visibility Planner is all about raising your profile and visibility through the things you do focusing on 4 main areas: PR and Marketing (inc Social Media), Networking, Presenting and Writing. For the 2020 A to Z Challenge we decided to focus on one of these aspects – writing! As the world continues to go into lock-down due to Covid-19, it is the perfect time to work on raising your visibility through your writing as you can do it from the comfort of your home.
L is for… LinkedIn
You can use LinkedIn to publish articles that demonstrate your expertise. If you don’t have your own blog you can use the LinkedIn … to post your own articles. Even if you do have your own blog you can post “teaser” content or links on LinkedIn to drive traffic to your blog and get your blog in front of a wider audience.
When writing articles you can write about anything. However, you will want to make sure that what you are writing is suitable for your target audience and relevant for LinkedIn. For example, you might write about:
- the latest developments in your field (niche) that are relevant to your target audience.
- general articles to cover what you often find yourself talking to your clients and contacts about. What issues are they facing? What are they asking you for advice on? What do they want to know about?
- what is happening in the news (that is relevant to what you do).
Do you use LinkedIn to publish content? What do you write about? Share in the comments.
Further Reading:

I tend to forget about Linkedin, so I don’t post a lot…
L is for Landscapes
I think you need to use and post on what comes easy to you – so many platforms so little time.