Content and Storytelling, Strategy: Marketing, PR and Expertise, Strategy: Writing, Thought Leadership
Be Interviewed to help raise your profile

As part of your thought leadership and writing strategy, you might be participating in interviews. Being interviewed can be a great way to demonstrate thought-leadership. This might be written interviews or recorded podcasts or videos. Whatever format the interviews take – it is important to keep a record of these interviews.
Where possible your interviews should be promoting you, your business or your expertise in some way. Therefore it is also important to be selective in the interviews you participate in and that once you participate that you promote and share the interview to help raise your profile (and reap the benefits of taking part in the interview).
When you participate in interviews don’t forget to:
- Add them to your C.V.
- Keep a record in your Career Journal and use them at appraisal time.
- Add them to your website.
- Share on social media.
- Share with your contacts and colleagues as part of your networking strategy.
Further Reading:

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