A to Z Challenge,  LinkedIn

C is for… Company Page

What is a Company Page?

Company Pages on LinkedIn allows you to explore companies you’re interested in, get the latest company updates and industry news, and learn about new job opportunities. This can be a great way to keep up to date with your clients, companies of interest and of course your own employer. A company may also have showcase pages dedicated to various aspects of the business – but more on that later in the challenge.

To locate a Company Page, simply type the company into the search bar at the top of your LinkedIn homepage and click on their name next to Companies in the dropdown that appears.

When you follow a company on LinkedIn you can view their updates directly in your feed.

I’m an Employer / Self Employed – Should I set up my own Company Page?

If you are an Employer (or Self-Employed) you may wish to set up your own Company Page which will allow LinkedIn users to view information about your Company and follow your Company. It is really straightforward – Learn more about creating a Company Page for your own company.

If you’re an owner and/or admin for your Company Page, you can edit it and post company updates at any time.The page set up is simple – the hard part is content generation.

… but what if I’m an Employee?

You may still use the Company Page as an admin (see above) or as part of your networking & visibility strategy as an Employee.

If you are an Employee you are automatically linked to the Company Page when you add or edit a position on your profile and select a specific Company Page name from the company dropdown list (just make sure you pick the right one). By doing so, you also automatically become a follower and you can like, comment on and share the company updates.

This can make it very easy to keep your connections up to date with what you and the company you work for are doing by sharing / liking any relevant updates that your Company posts that you would like to draw attention to (and have appear in your activity feed).


  • JazzFeathers

    But… so it’s a bit like Google. You have your personal profile and you can then create a company page? I didn’t know that.
    Thanks for blogging abotu this, I’ll look into it πŸ™‚

    The Old Shelter – 1940s Film Noir

  • networkingtips

    Yes, you can have both a personal profile and a company profile as well. πŸ™‚ Thanks for dropping by.

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