A to Z Challenge
V is for… Voice
V is for Voice Being authentic and having a consistent voice is important on social media. Your personal social media should reflect you and your personality. Your corporate social media accounts should reflect…
U is for… URLs
U is for URLs – Personalised URLs and Trackable URLs Make your URLs personal For those of you who are just getting started with using social media for networking – it is important…
T is for… Twitter Lists
T is for… Twitter lists Twitter lists can be used in many different ways and can make using Twitter more targeted (and generally easier to use) particularly within the native website or in…
S is for… Search Tools
S is for… Search tools and Social Monitoring All social media platforms have basic search tools. However, in some cases to search and manage your content and conversations it is necessary to look…
R is for… Retweeting
R is for… Retweeting Over the years that I have been using the “retweet” has changed dramatically. However, the “retweet with comment” option is probably the best thing that could happen for networking…
Q is for… Questions
Q is for… Questions Ask questions. Asking questions (and answering other people’s questions) is a great way to network and engage on social media. Asking questions is an easy and effective way to…
P is for… Pictures
P is for… Pictures Where you can you want to be thinking about using pictures and other visual content in your social media (particularly if you are networking on Instagram or Pinterest which…
O is for… Optimising your Profile
O is for… Optimising your Profile Each of your social media profiles should be consistent and more importantly should be optimised. For many platforms having a full optimised profiles means: completing every section…
N is for… Network
N is for… Network Reach out and connect with your real life network on social media. A lot of you may automatically do this with LinkedIn. If you are not already doing this,…
M is for… Measuring ROI
M is for… Measuring ROI Networking on social media like all networking is a big investment of your time. Therefore it is important that you set goals for your networking activities and measure…