Networking Events
How to Find Networking Events: Eventbrite
How to find networking events: Eventbrite Eventbrite is a great tool for selling tickets for events and events management. I use it for this a lot, but it can also be a great…
Eventbrite: How to set up an organiser profile page
If you are an event planner (formal or informal) you are probably already using Eventbrite. If you are – have you set up your organiser profile page? If not, get this set up…
When did it become acceptable to be on your phone at events?
“Playing on your phone” is usually considered a sign of disinterest, boredom and in most social situations just plain rude. However, more and more events have event hashtags and attendees are being encouraged…
Networking Event Ideas: Business Card Bingo
Looking for another way to get introductions or break the ice? A fresh idea for your next networking event? Why not try Business Card Bingo? What is Business Card Bingo? First, as you…
Networking Events Ideas: Networking Bingo
What is Networking Bingo? Bingo can be used as an ice-breaker at networking and business events as an alternative to speed networking. The concept is easy you have a bingo grid and you…