Conversation Starters: Travel

If you are not a natural at making conversation, then thinking of conversation topics when first start talking to someone can make you nervous.
While it is good to find other topics (more interesting) topics of conversation to move on to having good small talk topics up your sleeve will help break the ice and help you find those more interesting topics of conversation. It will also help relieve some of the anxiety of walking into an unknown environment and meeting new people. Alternatively, if you are networking online, having some conversation starters in your back pocket can make it easier to make conversation.
Travel is one of my favourite conversation starters. Asking someone if they have travelled anywhere recently, or been away on a weekend trip or have any upcoming travel plans can spark great conversations.
Make sure you have some follow-up questions to about their travels as well and it can be a great excuse to follow up. For example, I often check in with contacts about their trip or offer a recommendation if I have been before.
Further Reading: