A to Z Challenge,  LinkedIn

E is for… Endorsements

What are endorsements?

You can give (and receive) endorsements for skills.

A skill endorsement is a one-click way for your connections to endorse the skills listed on your profile. There is not an automatic way to request an endorsement and only skills already listed can be endorsed. However, endorsements are simple and avoid the need to actually write a recommendation.

However, in practice it can mean that you can accumulate a mix of skills endorsements from first degree connections that may or may not be helpful so it is usual worth also actively managing these endorsements (and following up with a request for a recommendation).

How to get skills endorsements…

Scroll down to the Skills & Endorsements section on your own profile to see endorsements you’ve received. You can add any skill to this section. Accumulating a high number of endorsements for a skill adds credibility to your profile.

As mentioned above it is worthwhile reviewing and managing the endorsements you receive. When you scroll to the “skills and expertise” section, you will see a pencil icon. when you click this you will be able to manage your endorsements. So if you have an endorsement from a family friend who has never worked with you who has perhaps endorsed you for a skill you don’t have, you can delete the skill and keep the list relevant.

Also don’t forget receiving an endorsement can be a great excuse reconnect and meet  the endorser meet for coffee or go out for a drink or if you are keeping it online, asking for a recommendation.

Missing a key skill? add it to your list of skills by hitting the add a skill button (next to the pencil).

How to give endorsements…

Endorsing others is a great way to recognise the skills of your connections. Endorsing also helps you keep in touch with the people in your network and can be a great starting point for reopening a connection.

To endorse a skill already listed on someone’s profile go to their Skills & Endorsements section and click the name of the skill, or the icon next to the skill.



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