How to Find Networking Events: Eventbrite
How to find networking events: Eventbrite
Eventbrite is a great tool for selling tickets for events and events management. I use it for this a lot, but it can also be a great resource for find events to attend.
The search function is fairly limited. However, you can still usefully use it for finding upcoming local events of interest. You can also browse to find a few decent upcoming public events. However, it is important to read the details of the event. It is not always obvious to the target audience and whether a specific membership of an organisation is required.
A particularly useful tool for finding events is that you can also follow event organisers (and if you are an event organiser I would encourage you to set up an organiser profile). By following event organisers, it is easier to find out when they publish / release tickets for their latest upcoming event and you can get signed up.