How to find Networking Groups, Events and other Places to Network: Ask!
Once you have worked out your networking goals and “where” you want to be you need to figure out what events you should be attending and where you should actually be. There are some great resources for finding places online. However, your first step should be to ask others what events they go to and what they have enjoyed. I often use this as one of the topics of conversation when I meet someone at a networking event.
- Strike up a conversation with friends and colleagues and even new people you meet and ask them what they do in their free time, if they belong to any organisations/attend any networking events, ever been to an event you are thinking of attending etc. In particular, ask them if they found it worthwhile/useful and if they have any recommendations for XYZ.
- Another way to get recommendations from people you know and trust is to ask openly on social media – ask your connections/contacts for recommendations. Just make sure that your shout outs and requests are specific. This way you will get more useful responses.
- Finally, invite your internal colleagues to contribute to a resource list and create your own directory or calendar of groups, events, and suggestions.