How to: Use Facebook to establish yourself as a Thought-Leader and boost your Visibility

Having a strong social media presence can boost your visibility to your target audience as well as your credibility as an expert. Identify where your audience is hanging out so that you can target your content and visibility strategy. For example, they might be hanging out on Facebook? If so you should be using Facebook to establish yourself as a thought-leader and to boost your visibility.
Here are some simple and quick tips for doing this:
01. Focus on your niche or specialist area of expertise
You should hopefully have already decided what your area of expertise/niche is. On social media, it is important to have a niche and to participate in and around that space and with your target audience in a targeted manner. On Facebook, there are two key ways to do this. By having your own Facebook page and/or a Facebook Group and engaging with other relevant Facebook Pages and Facebook Groups.
Groups can be great for discussing niche topics. Most groups revolve around certain topics or common interests. This means that if you find the right groups you can find your perfect audience. Use these groups regularly and you will build a presence there. People will start to follow you, engage with you and awareness of your brand will grow.
However, if you have a key audience on Facebook you might also want to have your own Facebook Page for your brand/business or website etc. This can help to get your content in front of your clients and customers if they are hanging out on Facebook. Use your Facebook Page to share content, both your own and other relevant content that you think your audience might be interested in.
02. Add value and Engage with your Audience
Engagement is important on Facebook. Engage with your audience directly and talk with them. Add value by sharing interesting content or advice or answering a question (both on your own Facebook page or Group as well as third party pages and groups to help you engage with a wider target audience (not just your followers). Join relevant groups and interact with members. Add value and help them out. This will make you more memorable to others and can be the start of a good relationship
So you can add value in a more targeted manner you should also research people prior to reaching out to them by reading their bio and blogs and keeping an eye on their posts. This can help you add value in a more meaningful way.
03. Build a community around your brand
Social media is about being social and engaging with your audience. A great tool for doing this is to also build a community around your brand and support your contacts and connections. If your target audience is on Facebook, Facebook Groups are the perfect place to do this.
Facebook groups can be used to boost your visibility and build a community around your brand or niche topic.
Further Reading:

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