Following Up,  Quick Tips,  Use your Networking Planner

Quick Tip: Use your Networking Planner as an Aide Memoire

NTFB Blog Posts - quick tips

When you meet people for the first time (or even if you have met them multiple times) getting to know some things about them is essential to start building up your relationship with them and to work out the best way to follow up with them.

If you are anything like me and forget things such as people’s names and who you have met and where etc you might like to use your networking planner as an Aide Memoire.

Networking Planner - Contact follow-up

The networking planner has a specific section for priority contacts. In addition to this, we have included a “people I met” page for each event. This is so that you can note down the people you met (so you can later work out what event you met them at). This page also provides space for follow up actions and notes. Your Follow-Up actions might be something you specifically said you would do. Alternatively, it might be something suitable from your usual following up routine. For example, connecting on LinkedIn and/or dropping them an email.

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