Your Networking Circle: Clients & Prospective Clients
A useful exercise that everyone should carry out on an annual basis is an analysis of their network, by identifying the circle of contacts around them. To do this we use our Networking Circle worksheet (you can download your copy for free by signing up to our mailing list).
- Step 1: Download and print the NC worksheet
- Step 2: Write your name in the centre circle.
- Step 3: Write the names of people in the next circles working outwards grouping them in categories.
If you haven’t already review your networking circle and note the clients and prospective clients in your network.
Keeping in touch with current clients and identifying prospective clients is an important step in building and growing your business or practice. Identifying your existing (or former) clients should be straightforward enough but it may be slightly harder to identify prospective clients.
When consider prospective clients, ask yourself – are they within my target market? Do they have a need for my services?
If you don’t know them well enough do some research on their social media and/or their website to get a deeper understanding of what they do and what you might be able to do to support them.