A to Z Challenge: Z is for… Zzzz
We often talk about thought leadership as a strategy for improving your visibility and raising your profile. This is why we have made Thought Leadership the overarching theme for our first A to Z Challenge.
Thought Leadership ties together the different strategies that we talk about including writing, speaking, networking, PR and Marketing. Thought-Leadership is about utilising your expertise and deep specialism and knowledge to answer questions, covering trends in your b
Simply put: it is being an Authority.
During the challenge, we will be looking at different ways that you can demonstrate thought-leadership and raise your profile.
Take time off and look after yourself!
Even as a Thought-leader (and as part of your visibility strategy) it is important to remember not to overdo it. Mental Health and Wellbeing is firmly on the agenda for many companies. It is important that everyone is a part of this. Everyone should be looking after themselves, getting enough sleep and helping to promote wellbeing in others. It also helps if everyone can do their part to create an inclusive and open culture at work.
Some of my favourite role models (and thought-leaders) that seem to have it all and do it all and are endlessly committed- set out clear “me time” and days for themselves. Perhaps more importantly they are also open about it and talk about it.
They are open in the workplace about talking about balance and managing their day job as well as commitments both professional (e.g. networking and speaking engagements) and personal – while still being leaders in their field and highly respected.
Which is why I personally believe that everyone should be championing wellbeing in the workplace – and doing it themselves.
Thought-leaders can put a lot of pressure on themselves – so it is equally important for them – they are human too.